
Computer programming as art

The Guardian review: Pieter Hugo work's

MIT website

Famous Novelists on Symbolism in Their Work and Whether It Was Intentional

website in progress(4)

website in progress

web site in progress (2)

web site in progress

talking sketch


photo session

buffalo soldier

Accesible icon project

Arabic lesson (13)(14): actions and feelings

arabic lesson (11)(12): opposites, positions

arabic lesson (9)(10): the body

making Of SLOimage HD watermark H 264 720x404

another face

arabic lessons (7)(8): TIME


arabic lesson (6): nature

arabic lesson(5): animals

arabic lesson (4): Food

arabic lesson (3):vehicles

arabic lesson (2): the home

arabic lessons(1) : places

traditional dress, national day book, 2011

Dubai Mall Aquarium 2009 infographic

the race to space and beyond, infographic 2009

Solar energy stats 2009


The thing.

Trow Back

Wall painting at FN Design